1st Saturday:8:30 AM Immediately following conclusion of the 8 AM First Saturday Mass
Confessions are in the Cathedral Confessionals (located on the wings of the Cathedral). One confessional near the cry room and two on the oppposite wing.
Adoration Times
Perpetual: Security Code required after 8pm. The adoration chapel can be accessed only through the external door by the flag pole and St. Pope John Paul II statue.
Visit to schedule an hour or find out more: https://cathedralctk.org/perpetual-adoration
In the liturgy the Church celebrates God’s saving act of redemption in Christ’s Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension. By actively and consciously participating in the liturgy the members fully partake in God’s work of redeeming them and are transformed. It is because of this that the Second Vatican Council stated: “Nevertheless the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows.” (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy,10)